Script Journal: Journal of Linguistics and English Teaching
Script Journal: Journal of Linguistics and English Teaching is peer-reviewed journal published twice a year, in April and October, by the Department of English Language Education, Universitas Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda. It focuses on article research in the areas of linguistics and English language teaching written in English. The journal can be identified by its abbreviations Scr. J. J. Linguist. Engl. Teach. or Script, and DOI with the prefix 10.24903. It also has two ISSNs: 2477-1880 for the print version and 2502-6623 for the online version. Importantly, research submitted to this online journal undergoes a stringent double-blind peer-review process, ensuring anonymity between reviewers and authors. At least two reviewers will evaluate each submission.
Starting from October 2024 until further notice, any author wishing to register should complete the registration form at the following link: The editorial team will create a username and password (if the article is deemed suitable) and will contact the author via the registered email address.
Pendas Mahakam : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Sekolah Dasar
PENDAS MAHAKAM journal published three times a year in June, September and December; contains articles of research or study literature learning education and elementary education. Articles written in Indonesian or English.
Jurnal Warna : Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Anak Usia Dini
Jurnal Warna : Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Anak Usia Dini published by the Early Childhood Education Teacher Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Widya Gama Mahakam University, Samarinda, which is published twice a year in March and September It contains articles of research in the field of early childhood education and learning Articles are written in Bahasa and English.
Borneo Educational Journal (Borju)
Borneo Educational Journal (BORJU) by The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda, which is published twice a year in February and August. The Journal ISSN Number for the online version is 2655-9323. It contains original Research papers and Theoretical reviews or Conceptual Reviews on education in all countries throughout the world. The article is written in English Language and Bahasa Indonesia. Based on the decision of The DIRECTOR GENERAL OF HIGHER EDUCATION, RESEARCH, AND TECHNOLOGY OF THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE, RESEARCH, AND TECHNOLOGY OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA No. 177/E/KPT/2024 regarding the RANKING OF SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL ACCREDITATION FOR PERIOD II OF 2024, from Vol. 5 No. 2 2023 until Vol. 10 No. 1 2028, Borju is indexed in SINTA 3
SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan
SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan published by Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Universitas Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda. The research article submitted to this online journal will be double blind peer-reviewed (Both reviewer and author remain anonymous to each other) at least 2 (two) reviewers. The accepted research articles will be available online following the journal peer-reviewing process. Language used in this journal is Bahasa Indonesia or English. The Sistema: Jurnal Pendidikan is a peer reviewed published two issues per year (June and December).
EISSN: 2774-387X
Jurnal Pengabdian Kreativitas Pendidikan Mahakam (JPKPM)
Jurnal Pengabdian Kreativitas Pendidikan Mahakam diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) Universitas Widayagama Mahakam Samarinda. Berisi hasil-hasil kegiatan pengabdian dan pemberdayaan masyarakat berupa penerapan berbagai bidang ilmu diantaranya pendidikan, teknik, pertanian, sosial humaniora, komputer dan kesehatan.
JPKPM terbit 2 kali setahun setiap bulan Juni dan Desember.
Jurnal Warna Warni Pengabdian (JWWP)
Jurnal Warna Warni Pengabdian (JWWP) is a community service journal managed by the Early Childhood Education Teacher Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, and published by Universitas Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda. The journal publishes community service articles twice a year, in January and July, in both Indonesian and English to inspire and benefit the wider community. We recommend that you study our "ABOUT" menu for journal's section policies and other relevant information before considering submitting your work to this journal.